Ryan Hanning

Family Blog

The Hanning Homestead

(aka Isidro Acres)

Welcome to our family blog.

Click the links below to follow our failures & successes.

Family Update #12 - Winter 2020

Winter has come and gone, and so has our attempt to keep the family blog current. Perhaps we should just admit that seasonal blogs may be more our style. Anyways, lots has happened in the past three months: Baby Isaac, goat kids, Ninja Course, harvest, planting, and prepping soil. Not to mention Dad’s new book (coming out from Ignatius in October), EWTN and lot’s of travel. We entered Winter and Lent with renewed introspection, especially in light of the Coronavirus which at the very least has led us to re-define our priorities and double down on the importance of family, community and faith.

The New Catholic Normal:

While participating in Mass virtually is not ideal, praise God for modern technology. I actually think that the kids sat more still on our couch/pew than they did in Church. All joking aside we are continuing to pray for all those suffering directly and indirectly from the Corona virus. We know that we all have become too busy, and distracted by things that won’t fulfill us. As Lent draws to a close we are reminded of this truth:

“the only real tragedy in life, is not becoming a saint.”
— Leon Bloy
March 22nd Livestreaming Mass with Bs. Spalding.

March 22nd Livestreaming Mass with Bs. Spalding.

The gift of new life:

We welcomed Isaac Robert on January 7th, and he was baptized on March 10th. To help us celebrate, the LoveGood Apprentices joined us from Nashville and the Girard’s drove the 24 hours to be the Godparents along with their 7 kids. 5 days with 21 people in the house. No problem! Not to be outdone we welcomed a small herd of new baby goats shortly after. God is good!

Homestead Projects

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