Ryan Hanning

Family Blog

The Hanning Homestead

(aka Isidro Acres)

Welcome to our family blog.

Click the links below to follow our failures & successes.

Family Update #7 - Christ is Born!!!

It has been a busy month on the Hanning Homestead. We celebrated Jacinta’s 1st Birthday, the Feasts of St. Nicholas, the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe and Christmas. Despite all the festivity, we still had time to build a wall, construct a treehouse, slaughter the Christmas Duck, feather a bicycle seat, do the Love Good PodCast, inoculate a few mushroom totems & help the Parish prepare for the Year of Study. Oh yeah, we also celebrated Mom’s birthday and rang in the new year! Hope that your Christmas Season and New Year brings you rich blessings and draws your family closer together.

The Story of Christmas

On Christmas Eve we gathered together and the twins lead us in a mostly biblically accurate story of the birth of Jesus.

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